Nasolabial Folds Filler
Nose to mouth line (smile lines), smile line filler, nose to mouth line filler, nasolabial fold

Service Description
Smile lines or nose to mouth lines are formed as we age. The cheeks start to lose volume which causes the skin to sag and form these lines. As part of the ageing process our skin looses its elasticity and volume. Thus leading to thinning, dehydrated skin which further contributes to wrinkle/line formation. Dermal fillers can be used to restore volume and fullness, thus giving a more youthful appearance. The aim of the treatment is to lift the lines from the piriform fossa to anchor the support and then to use small amounts of filler to fill the lines. This results in less heaviness and looks much more natural. Filler can also be used to enhance our natural features and restore volume loss in the folds. The duration of results is usually 12-18 months after which a top up may be required. The area and amount of filler needed is discussed at the consutlation. Softer lines can benefit from 1ml, Deeper folds will require 2ml.